Vietnam Customs Data of Plant Under HS Code 1211 Imports from Laos

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DateHS CodeProduct DescriptionOrigin CountryUnitQuantityTotal Value [USD]Unit Price [USD]Importer NameSupplier Name
26/Jan/201912119099Sargentodoxa Cuneata (Sargentodoxa Cuneata) Sliced ??and dried , not used as medicinal materials (Products from planted forests)LaosKg115,000.0012,650.000.11View ImporterView Supplier
16/Jan/201912119099Sargentodoxa Cuneata (Sargentodoxa Cuneata) Sliced ??and dried , not used as medicinal materials (Products from planted forests)LaosKg24,000.002,640.000.11View ImporterView Supplier
11/Jan/201912119099Sargentodoxa Cuneata (Sargentodoxa Cuneata) Sliced ??and dried , not used as medicinal materials (Products from planted forests)LaosKg75,000.008,250.000.11View ImporterView Supplier
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Few Sample Shipment Records of Plant under HS code 1211 imports in vietnam are given above. For more details of vietnam customs data of Plant under HS code 1211 or any other product kindly contact or Call +91-11-47048012

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  • Kg (3)