Heading - 9106

Vietnam HS Code 9106 - Time Of Day Recording Apparatus And Apparatus For Measuring, Recording Or Otherwise Indicating Intervals Of Time, With Clock Or Watch Movement Or With Synchronous Motor (for Example, Timeregisters, Timerecorders).

Vietnam HS Code 9106 is for time of day recording apparatus and apparatus for measuring, recording or otherwise indicating intervals of time, with clock or watch movement or with synchronous motor (for example, timeregisters, timerecorders). Lookup 2017 HTS Code or HSN Code for time of day recording apparatus and apparatus for measuring, recording or otherwise indicating intervals of time, with clock or watch movement or with synchronous motor (for example, timeregisters, timerecorders) in Vietnam.

HS Code Item Description
  9106 Time of day recording apparatus and apparatus for measuring, recording or otherwise indicating intervals of time, with clock or watch movement or with synchronous motor (for example, timeregisters, timerecorders).
             91061000 Timeregisters; timerecorders
             91069010 Parking meters
             91069090 Other