Heading - 2516

Vietnam HS Code 2516 - Granite, Porphyry, Basalt, Sandstone And Other Monumental Or Building Stone, Whether Or Not Roughly Trimmed Or Merely Cut, By Sawing Or Otherwise, Into Blocks Or Slabs Of A Rectangular (including Square) Shape.

Vietnam HS Code 2516 is for granite, porphyry, basalt, sandstone and other monumental or building stone, whether or not roughly trimmed or merely cut, by sawing or otherwise, into blocks or slabs of a rectangular (including square) shape. Lookup 2017 HTS Code or HSN Code for granite, porphyry, basalt, sandstone and other monumental or building stone, whether or not roughly trimmed or merely cut, by sawing or otherwise, into blocks or slabs of a rectangular (including square) shape in Vietnam.

HS Code Item Description
  2516 Granite, porphyry, basalt, sandstone and other monumental or building stone, whether or not roughly trimmed or merely cut, by sawing or otherwise, into blocks or slabs of a rectangular (including square) shape.
             25161100 Granite:Crude or roughly trimmed
      251612Merely cut, by sawing or otherwise, into blocks or slabs of a rectangular (including square) shape:
             25161210 Blocks
             25161220 Slabs
             25162010 Crude or roughly trimmed
             25162020 Merely cut, by sawing or otherwise, into blocks or slabs of a rectangular (including square) shape
             25169000 Other monumental or building stone