Sample Shipment details of SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS VIETNAM CO., LTD are given below.
Date | 02/Jan/2019 | Importer Name | Exporter Name |
HS Code | 85177039 | SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS VIETNAM CO., LTD | Công ty TNHH HOSIDEN Việt Nam ( Bắc Giang) |
Quantity | 1015 | ||
Unit | cái/chiếc | ||
Value (US$) | 690.3 | Port of Discharge | Port of Loading |
Unit Price (US$) | 0.68009852217 | SAM SUNG ELECTRICS VIET NAM CO., LTD | |
Origin Country | Vietnam | Product Description | Export country |
Payment Terms | KC | SP1004 # & Printed circuit board of smart wearable device / GH59-14397A / (Electronic circuit board assembled of smart wearable device GH59-14397A), (sd plastic tray purchased from Young Jin Vina Company ).#&VN" | Viet Nam |
Import country | |||
Name of Transportation | 0 |
Date | HS Code | Product Description | Quantity | Unit Price | Total Price | Importer Name | Exporter Name | Export country |
16/Jan/2019 | 38019000 | SEV4356 # & Graphite heat sink for phone GH02-16038A # & VN | 45000 | 0.073933777778 | 690.3 | SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS VIETNAM CO., LTD | View Exporter | Vietnam |
16/Jan/2019 | 38019000 | SEV4310 # & Graphite heat sink for phone GH02-16040A # & VN | 14060 | 0.093082503556 | 690.3 | SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS VIETNAM CO., LTD | View Exporter | Vietnam |
16/Jan/2019 | 38019000 | SEV4310 # & Graphite heat sink for phone GH02-16040A # & VN | 3432 | 0.093175990676 | 690.3 | SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS VIETNAM CO., LTD | View Exporter | Vietnam |
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