Sample Shipment details of CONG TY TNHH SAMSUNG SDI VIET NAM are given below.
Date | 02/Jan/2019 | Importer Name | Exporter Name |
HS Code | 39172929 | CONG TY TNHH SAMSUNG SDI VIET NAM | Chi nhánh Công ty TNHH một thành viên SMC PNEUMATICS (Việt Nam) tại Hà Nội |
Quantity | 1 | ||
Unit | cuộn | ||
Value (US$) | 79.126025032 | Port of Discharge | Port of Loading |
Unit Price (US$) | 79.126025032 | Domestic (CFS) | |
Origin Country | Japan | Product Description | Export country |
Payment Terms | KC | TUZ0425B-100 gas pipe, plastic, outer diameter 4mm, inner diameter 2.5mm, length 100m. Gas hose for connecting gas equipment in mechanical machines # & JP | Viet Nam |
Import country | |||
Name of Transportation | 0 |
Date | HS Code | Product Description | Quantity | Unit Price | Total Price | Importer Name | Exporter Name | Export country |
23/Jan/2019 | 22072019 | Industrial alcohol (alcohol content> 80%) # & VN | 700 | 0.99330598143 | 79.126025032 | CONG TY TNHH SAMSUNG SDI VIET NAM | View Exporter | Japan |
14/Jan/2019 | 27101990 | Premium cooling oil. 100% new goods # & VN | 100 | 3.0706110991 | 79.126025032 | CONG TY TNHH SAMSUNG SDI VIET NAM | View Exporter | Japan |
14/Jan/2019 | 27101990 | Premium cooling oil. 100% new goods # & VN | 60 | 3.0706110991 | 79.126025032 | CONG TY TNHH SAMSUNG SDI VIET NAM | View Exporter | Japan |
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