Sample Shipment details of CONG TY TNHH ITM SEMICONDUCTOR VIET NAM are given below.
Date | 03/Jan/2019 | Importer Name | Exporter Name |
HS Code | 63071010 | CONG TY TNHH ITM SEMICONDUCTOR VIET NAM | Chi Nhánh Công Ty Cổ Phần Thương Mại Và Dịch Vụ Ngọc Hà Tại Bắc Ninh |
Quantity | 32 | ||
Unit | kg | ||
Value (US$) | 12.153646957 | Port of Discharge | Port of Loading |
Unit Price (US$) | 0.37980146741 | Domestic (CFS) | |
Origin Country | Vietnam | Product Description | Export country |
Payment Terms | KC | A4 # & VN colored cotton swabs " | Viet Nam |
Import country | |||
Name of Transportation | 0 |
Date | HS Code | Product Description | Quantity | Unit Price | Total Price | Importer Name | Exporter Name | Export country |
03/Jan/2019 | 28080000 | Acid HN03 # & VN | 2 | 2.157962883 | 12.153646957 | CONG TY TNHH ITM SEMICONDUCTOR VIET NAM | View Exporter | Vietnam |
03/Jan/2019 | 28043000 | 99.999% liquid nitrogen (N2). 100% new goods # & VN | 150000 | 0.1012 | 12.153646957 | CONG TY TNHH ITM SEMICONDUCTOR VIET NAM | View Exporter | Vietnam |
03/Jan/2019 | 28043000 | 99.999% liquid nitrogen (N2). 100% new goods # & VN | 135410 | 0.0968 | 12.153646957 | CONG TY TNHH ITM SEMICONDUCTOR VIET NAM | View Exporter | Vietnam |
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